A blog pause

Do you ever think you like drawing and the doing but don’t really have all that much to say in words? Well, that’s kind of where I am at the moment. And hence, a pause from blogging. 

Over the two years or so of blogging, I have very much enjoyed your posts and the many beautiful ideas visually expressed and the little blog-chats. Thank you.

For the time being, I am posting at https://www.instagram.com/drawingconnections/


16 thoughts on “A blog pause

  1. I’ve enjoyed looking at your pictures and I know just how you feel. It’s ok though to just post images on your blog, no words needed 🙂


  2. Lovely painting. Hope to see you back – I understand. I’m not on Instagram, can you explain what the difference is between that and blogging. Best wishes.


  3. Hi DC, I’ve enjoyed/am enjoying your work…you have great talent. Writing words isn’t necessary…a picture paints a thousand words, as the saying goes. I certainly understand. Thanks for having shared with us here at WordPress. I am grateful, and have learned.
    Cheeri-pip! …janina 🙂


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